Book Review:: Beautiful Ugly | Alice Feeney

What is it with tiny little Scottish islands?

Grady Green, bestselling author, is struggling to work after the disappearance of his wife Abby. Finally at a breaking point, his agent sends him off to a remote Scottish island, where another famous author used to live, to pound out his next great work. He’s not in a good mental place, and the island and its inhabitants are more than a little strange.

This is a true psychological thriller. Grady is at the end of his wits over what happened to his wife, literally. He never sleeps, he’s drinking far too much, and when he’s given a hallucinogenic tea on the island, we can’t tell what is real and what isn’t. He sees his wife’s face everywhere, and the red jacket she was last seen with. But every time, he blinks and he realizes his error. His mind is playing tricks on him, and he’s about as unreliable a narrator as they come.

This story doesn’t have a lot of action, but it keeps you on the edge of your seat. There are mysteries on the island that he’s sure he’s not imagining. It’s a strange place, objectively. There are no birds there, for example. No phones, and an unreliable ferry is the only way on or off the island.

Even if he wanted to leave, it’s not that simple.

I loved it. I’ve never read a book by Alice Feeney before this, but based on Beautiful Ugly, she really knows what she’s doing. It has a similar tension to a book like The Midnight Feast by Lucy Foley. Twisted and sinister, but on another face seemingly pretty innocent. Brilliant. Captivating. Beautiful, and Ugly.

Note:: I received the audiobook version of this book for free via the publisher and netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. (And the audiobook narrators did a fantastic job, as well!)


Title:: Beautiful Ugly
Author:: Alice Feeney
Genre:: Psychological Thriller
Publisher:: Flatiron Books
Length:: 320 pages
Audio Length:: 9h 19m
Audiobook Narrator:: Richard Armitage, Tuppence Middleton
Audiobook Publisher:: Macmillan Audio
Published:: January 14th, 2025
The Litertarian Rating:: 5-Stars

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If you liked this book, check out…

The Midnight Feast | Lucy Foley
Wrong Place Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
The Truth About the Devlins | Lisa Scottoline

Book Review:: Christmas is All Around | Martha Waters

One of the common ingredients in a holiday romance is a character who doesn’t like Christmas. Well Charlotte takes that to the extreme. As a young child she starred in a holiday romance film that continues to haunt her as an adult. This year, with talks of a reboot, she flies off to the UK to spend the holiday season with her sister.

Christmas is All Around Martha Waters Book Cover

Graham doesn’t care much about Christmas one way or the other, he is only focused on keeping his ancestral home running, and the holidays are a big part of that. It’s an old English estate, and every dollar since his father died has been a struggle. They meet when Charlotte and her sister visit an event at the place, Eden Priory, and Charlotte realizes it is the place her formative movie was filmed. Rom-Com magic happens and Graham is giving Charlotte a ride home. Now an artist, they strike a deal that she will paint a few landscapes for their giftshop.

I feel like the summary of this book doesn’t really do it justice. I’ve been trying to come up with ways to spruce it up for ten minutes, but the plot just is what it is. It’s a vehicle for these two awesome characters to fall in love. That’s not to say it’s a throw away plot, just that it’s hard to summarize concisely.

The best part of this book is the easy banter. Oh goodness, I found myself smiling so much during this book. Charlotte is unapologetic in her disgruntled holiday persona, and Graham is happy to oblige her. The romance that builds between them is so satisfying and natural. Perfect rom-com material!

The story goes deeper than that though. Both of them have old wounds to heal, Graham’s about his father and his responsibility/hero complex, Charlotte about her holiday past and even past relationships. Nothing feels forced (except maybe the inciting incident), it’s just really good storytelling.

This is absolutely a holiday romance you can get lost in this season. There is something special about the genre of holiday romance, and I really recommend this one! My other favorites are linked below! I hope you find something so yummy to escape into this holiday season!


Title:: Christmas is All Around
Author:: Martha Waters
Genre:: Holiday Romance
Publisher:: Atria Books
Length:: 304 pages
Audio Length:: 8h 56m
Audiobook Narrator:: Nikki Massoud
Audiobook Publisher:: Simon & Schuster Audio
Published:: October 22nd, 2024
The Litertarian Rating:: 5-Stars

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Emergency Contact | Lauren Layne & Anthony LeDonne
The Christmas Inn | Pamela Kelley

Book Review:: Is She Really Going Out With Him? | Sophie Cousens

Despite personal grievances against the title of this contemporary romance novel, Is She Really Going Out With Him cannot be further faulted. This is my third Sophie Cousens read and the first that has pushed itself into five-star territory (for me). She seems to have a penchant for high concepts, and the same is true here, but this time the romance of it really outshined the cheesiness.

Is She Really Going Out With Him by Sophie Cousens Book Cover

Anna is a thirty-eight year old divorcee with two children and a job as a columnist at a failing magazine. In a desperate attempt to bring some much needed readership into the audience, the team comes up with the idea for her to go on a series of dates her children choose for her and writing about them. Will, a colleague who seems to be gunning for her column, is tasked with writing a complementary piece for each column that will help theme the issue. Anna is still struggling to adjust to her life as a single mom and having to work with Will is the last thing she needs. What she does need, though, is a friend, and when she needs one, he always seems to be there. Most of the dates turn into quite a fiasco, but they each teach Anna a little something more about herself.

This is a feel-good book. A girl power book. An utterly romantic book. Anna is the every woman with problems and insecurities and doubts, but the way she doesn’t shy away from any of it is inspiring. I really enjoyed the personal growth elements, and there were a few.

The romance, though, is what shines. For me the balance between the two was done very well. There were no long breaks from the romance plotline for her to go off and work on herself, the learning was integrated in to everything else and that’s why it worked so well for me.

Will is a winner. He’s everything you could want in your leading man. He’s a cinnamon roll. A golden retriever. An emotional, sensitive, tall, strong, thoughtful, and romantic man. We love to love him.

The story also doesn’t end in quite the way you might expect, which I can appreciate.

Sophie Cousens is going on my list of authors to watch! I have a few backlist books of hers to get through – does anyone have any suggestions for what I should read next?
(the others I’ve read are This Time Next Year and Just Haven’t Met You Yet)


Title:: Is She Really Going Out With Him?
Author:: Sophie Cousens
Genre:: Contemporary Romance
Publisher:: G. P. Putnam’s Sons
Length:: 368 pages
Audio Length:: 11h 42m
Audiobook Narrator:: Kerry Gilbert
Audiobook Publisher:: Penguin Audio
Published:: November 19th, 2024
The Litertarian Rating:: 5-Stars
Spice Rating:: 2

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The Rom-Commers | Katherine Center
Funny Story | Emily Henry
My (Not So) Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella
Perfect Fit | Clare Gilmore

Book Review:: Maybe Next Time | Cesca Major

There is something magical about finding the right book at the right time. When something about the state of your life at the moment resonates deeply with the book you’ve chosen to read at that time. It might not be something that blows everyone away with its grandeur, but it touches on some deep-rooted truth in you.

Maybe Next Time Cesca Major Book Cover

Emma is so focused on her career as an underappreciated literary agent that she’s been skimming past many other aspects of her life: her kids, her friends, her dog, and her husband. It’s their anniversary, and for the first time ever, she’s forgotten to write him their traditional anniversary letter. It turns out to be a pretty typical day for her, rushing past everything and everyone, until a catastrophic event happens just before bed and changes everything. The next day she wakes up and lives it again. And again. Maybe she has the opportunity to change things – to avert the catastrophe. If only she can find the way.

As a thirty-something working mama who’s been married 10+ years, this book hit me hard. It’s about seeing what’s right in front of you. Not taking anything for granted. Slowing down. We get so caught up in the things we have to do (make money), that we neglect the things that are actually the most important to us. Why is it so easy to get our priorities mixed up?

I think the part that connected so deeply is how realistic it seemed. Yeah, obviously she hasn’t connected to her friends in awhile. Yeah, her kid’s problems are probably going to be old news by the weekend at the latest. Yeah, she has important shit to do at work she needs to concentrate on and that take priority. Yeah, her husband is always there to help pick up any slack.


I cried like a little baby. A sobbing, inconsolable baby.

I will read this book many times in the future, but I’m really not sure if it will have the same effect on me when I read it again. I hope it does. And I hope you read it too. This is one of my favorites of the year!


Title:: Maybe Next Time
Author:: Cesca Major
Genre:: Magical Realism
Publisher:: William Morrow
Length:: 384 pages
Audio Length:: 8h 38m
Audiobook Narrator:: Clare Corbett
Audiobook Publisher:: Harper Audio
Published:: March 7th, 2023
The Litertarian Rating:: 5-Stars

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If you liked this book, check out…

The Cheesemaker’s Daughter | Kristin Vukovik
Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
The Most Fun We Ever Had | Claire Lombardo

Book Review:: The Reappearance of Rachel Price | Holly Jackson

The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson is a nonstop whirlwind of twists and clues and intrigue I couldn’t put down. It’s about a young girl’s search for the truth, but more than that, it’s about the stories we tell ourselves. To make sense of the world. To cope. To survive.

The Reappearance of Rachel Price Holly Jackson Book Cover

Bell and her family are in the middle of filming interviews for a new true-crime documentary coming out about the disappearance of her mother sixteen years ago, when she was presumably taken from their car with Bell still in the back seat. Bell was so young she doesn’t remember the woman, but considering her body was never found, she always suspected her mother left her voluntarily. Now, Rachel Price walks back into town, ragged and ruined, claiming she’d been locked in someone’s basement all this time. Bells’s world is turned upside down with her mother invading every space that used to be just her and her father. And she’s also noticed a few inconsistencies in Rachel’s story. She tries to be accepting, tries to ignore the oddities prickling the back of her mind, but then she notices another, and another, and can’t let it go. With the help of one of the members of the documentary crew, and her cousin Carter, Bell continues to search for the answers to unlock the past of her family.

I really wasn’t sure what to expect from this book. The YA/Not YA distinction is blurry at best these days, and I was thinking this was going to be a kind of ‘soft’ mystery either way, but oh boy, this thing gets dark. Think Veronica Mars. Young girl investigator (18), real, horrible crimes.

The length is perfect, the pacing is excellent, the tension and mystery propelled me forward irresistibly. The investigation was just so compelling! We didn’t know if Rachel really was lying, hiding something, or she was just traumatized and that explained away the inconsistencies. I was on board with Bell all the way through, and man, it really had me going. This is the kind of book where you dream of getting that first read back.

Tis the season for dark suspense novels, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t recommend this one with enthusiasm. The Reappearance of Rachel Price is an excellent novel, and I can’t wait to read more from Holly Jackson!


Title:: The Reappearance of Rachel Price
Author:: Holly Jackson
Genre:: Suspense/Thriller
Publisher:: Delacorte Press
Length:: 448 pages
Audio Length:: 16h 34m
Audiobook Narrator:: Sophie Amoss
Audiobook Publisher:: Listening Library
Published:: April 2nd, 2024
The Litertarian Rating:: 5-Stars

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If you liked this book, check out…

Wrong Place Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
Every Moment Since | Marybeth Mayhew Whalen

Book Review:: Wrong Place Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister

It started with a feeling. Deja vu? Something like it? A bad feeling. The calm before the storm type of feeling. Like in the next instant, the world will change. Irreparably.

Wrong Place Wrong Time Gillian McAllister Book Cover

Jen knows something is wrong as she’s waiting up for her teenaged son to come home late on an October evening. Propelled by this supernatural feeling, she goes to the window and witnesses her son stab a stranger, killing him. The next hours are a nightmare as she and her husband Kelly grasp for answers about what happened and why. Somehow, they make it home to sleep in the wee hours of the morning. When she wakes, it is to the previous morning, before the crime. Her son is there, safe and happy. The next morning, it’s another day earlier. Somehow, she’s stuck in a backwards time loop, moving further and further back through time. Every day, she notices something new – signs she missed that led to that moment with her son holding a knife. She’s convinced it’s an opportunity for her to change things – to prevent that dark day from ever happening. But the more she discovers about the past, the more impossible it seems to untangle her family from the web of events that led them there.

We’re all familiar with the groundhog-day trope – living the same day again and again until things set themselves right – but this one does it different. Jen continues traveling back in time, weeks, months, years – gathering information she will need to unravel the mystery of that night and the truth everyone around her has been hiding.

There are twists and turns and each piece of the puzzle built the suspense and had my mind engaged the entire time. The pacing was just right; not so quick that you missed things because the details were too quick or subtle, and not so slow that any part of it was boring.

I don’t read this genre often because I have a soft heart that can’t take much evil, and though there are dark things in this book, for me, it was the perfect amount of darkness to still be able to enjoy it. I especially hate when books get darker at the end, taking a gruesome turn that haunts you. This one does not.

I’ve been reading a lot of books this year with protagonists who are mothers. I’m devouring them. There are certain things that are universal, and a mother’s love and falling into the trap of not paying enough attention to the every-day things are two of them. This is the suspense/thriller side of the same coin as Maybe Next Time by Cesca Major, one of my favorite books of the year. I highly recommend both!


Title:: Wrong Place Wrong Time
Author:: Gillian McAllister
Genre:: Mystery/Thriller
Publisher:: William Morrow
Length:: 416 pages
Audio Length:: 10h 7m
Audiobook Narrator:: Lesley Sharp
Audiobook Publisher:: Harper Audio
Published:: August 2nd, 2022
The Litertarian Rating:: 5-Stars

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If you liked this book, check out…

The Midnight Feast | Lucy Foley
Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood

Book Review:: Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood

Have you ever had a bad day? Bad week really. Months, even. Or a decade, if we’re being honest. Grace has. And she’s kept it together, mostly, through most of it. But you can only hold together for so long once your vessel is cracked and leaking and you refuse to acknowledge it.

Amazing Grace Adams, Fran Littlewood, Book Cover, Book Review

Grace Adams is a mess. A perimenopausal, hot-flashy mess, stuck in a traffic jam that is preventing her from reaching her estranged daughter’s birthday party. Everything has gone wrong lately. Everything. And just maybe if Grace can deliver the custom inside-joke birthday cake she had made to the party she was never invited to, her daughter would forgive her. Her ex-husband might forgive her. Everything might take a step back in the right direction. But she can’t get there if she’s stuck in the misery of traffic until it’s over. So, as a hail-Mary last-ditch effort, she opens the door of her car and walks away from it. Right there, in the middle of traffic, and foots it the rest of the way to the bakery. This is only the first of many questionable decisions Grace makes that day.

The genius of this story is in the revelations. While the present Grace is on a frantic quest to fix everything she thinks she’s broken in one desperate grand gesture, we’re traced back through the steps that led her to such a desperate moment. The magical meeting of her eventual husband at a linguistics conference, their unconventional courtship and marriage, the family dramas they’re forced to navigate, the trials of new parentship, partnership, and beyond. Each petal is pulled back and back and back until we get to the real hurts that Grace and her family are struggling with. And they’re big ones. Heart shattering. I sobbed for…a long time…as I read through the last chapters. Right there on the couch, while my family watched TV. This book is devastating and beautiful and the writing is so lovely and clever. Here are some of the quotes I underlined:

A message that has made him fizz inside with what? Laughter?

She has doughy skin that makes her look like one of the pastries she’s selling.

Amazing Grace Adams Uncensored Book Cover, Fran Littlewood, Book Review
The uncensored cover.

They stand without speaking until the woman has moved past. As if in tacit agreement that their conversation is private, a secret between them.

If she could, she would walk out of any room that she was in.

Grace is hugging her knees to her chest and listening to the hypnotic suck and pull of the filter system.

This is a great book, and it was a pleasure to read. Fran Littlewood has delivered a story that is witty, passionate, and a little bit manic. It explores depths of love and forgiveness and grief that won’t soon be forgotten. I love all of it. The title, the cover, and the gift that is the prose.

I would recommend this book to women around Grace’s age. A woman who’s seen it all. Marriage, children, the chaos of it all, and the monotony of it too. The routine. The staleness. That, I think, is the audience who will get the most out of it. Who will understand her. But of course any fan of literary fiction might enjoy it. It’ll probably make you cry, so try not to go into it with a fragile heart.


Title:: Amazing Grace Adams
Author:: Fran Littlewood
Genre:: Literary Fiction
Publisher:: Henry Holt & Co.
Length:: 272 pages
Audio Length:: 9h 51m
Audiobook Narrator:: Claire Skinner
Audiobook Publisher:: Macmillan Audio
Published:: September 5th, 2023
The Litertarian Rating:: 5-Stars
Spice Rating:: 1 (brief, not explicit)

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The Most Fun We Ever Had | Claire Lombardo
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Book Review:: My (not so) Perfect Life | Sophie Kinsella

Life doesn’t always follow the plan, no matter how carefully and passionately you’ve outlined it. Even when you’re on track, the details of what you have to suffer through on the way to the end of the rainbow are often so frustrating, it might drive you to madness. Goals are not accomplished on a straight line. It’s more like a line graph with wild ebbs and flows making it look more like a Richter Scale reading than an exponential curve to success. But all the little detours move you forward, even when they seem like a step back, and eventually you learn that happily ever after looks a little different than what you once dreamed.

My (Not So) Perfect Life Sophie Kinsella Book Cover

Kat-Katie-Kat is chasing her dreams in London, working for a boss who is living a picture-perfect life. Demeter is everything Kat wants to be, except she’s also an aloof, often degrading, unapologetic bitch. Kat dreams of being a successful advertise marketer, but is struggling to get Demeter to notice she exists at all, let alone any of her design and campaign ideas. One day, a mystery man named Alex shows up needing help with a couple of things. Kat and Alex work well together, but when she finds out he’s one of the higher-ups, she realizes how out of her league he is. Then, she gets fired (not because of Alex). That was certainly not part of the plan. She’s on a desperate search for another job in her field, when her dad and step-mother call on her expertise to help launch their new glamping resort in the countryside. She’s afraid if she leaves London, she may never end up going back, but there are few other options unless she wants to sleep under a bridge in the name of staying put. The glamping endeavor gives Katie a chance to show off how great she is at her dream job. She’s so good, in fact, it accidentally draws in exclusivity-connoisseur Demeter and her family to stay. It is then Katie begins to see that a picture-perfect life isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be.

This book is far more than a romance. It’s an anthem. It is self-discovery and integrity and enlightenment. Katie’s story is at once a girl-boss-revenge story and a coming-of-age reinvention, with a dash of mean-girl-justice on the side.

I was surprised how much I loved this book. It has a depth that I wasn’t expecting. I expected another run-of-the-mill contemporary romance, but this was a book all about girl power and making the most of whatever opportunity is in front of you. And standing up for what’s right, even when you don’t have to. And…yeah, sure, some romance too. Katie’s is the kind of story that sticks with you because its lessons are so meaningful, and the whole thing is just so darned endearing.

This is the kind of story that leaves you with warm fuzzies. Read this if you’re looking for something to make you feel more empowered and uplifted. If you’re not looking for just-another-romance. If you enjoy Emily Henry books, or The Devil Wears Prada (goes glamping, lol). I hope you get as much enjoyment out of it as I did!


Title:: My (Not So) Perfect Life
Author:: Sophie Kinsella
Genre:: Contemporary Romance
Publisher:: The Dial Press
Length:: 464 pages
Audio Length:: 11h 58m
Audiobook Narrator:: Fiona Hardingham
Audiobook Publisher:: Random House Audio
Published:: July 11th, 2017
The Litertarian Rating:: 5-Stars

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PS: I Hate You | Lauren Connolly
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Book Review:: The Midnight Feast | Lucy Foley

One cannot escape the past. Crimes cannot be erased. And those who were affected cannot simply be forgotten.

The Midnight Feast is another edge-of-your seat, layered, multiple POV mystery by Lucy Foley that tells of the secret trauma of one fateful summer night on the English coast, and its rippling effects through time.

The Midnight Feast Lucy Foley Book Cover

Opening weekend at The Manor is slated to be the event of a lifetime with Francesca Woodland at its helm. The cabins are full, the facilities impeccable, and every detail has been fussed over and perfected down to the architect, the staff, the wine, and the turndown service. But by the time it’s over, the police are called in to investigate the dead bodies left in the aftermath.

The first 15% of this book followed the same blueprint as The Guest List (also by Lucy Foley), which had me scratching my head a little bit. Doubling down on a good thing, I guess. Instead of a new, exclusive, wedding venue on an Irish island, this book is based on a new, exclusive, glamping resort-type facility on the English coast. I feel like it probably could have been a little more original, but it’s ultimately forgivable.

We flip back and forth between the present and past diary entries kept by one of the characters on a summer holiday, revealing one entry at a time what happened all those years ago to create so much tension in the present. Probably my favorite part of a book like this one is how each of the POV characters fit into the grander story, and that is one thing this book does so well. Everyone has a link to the past, and they all have a role to play in the present, too.

I loved the folklore thread in the weave. Like any good English town, this one has a longstanding lore surrounding a hundred-eyed tree deep in the forest, and The Birds who seek justice on wrongdoing done in the community. It was a little exhausting reading the words “the birds, the birds, the birds” again and again, but the layer of uncertainty and supernatural it adds really worked for me.

About halfway through I knew this was going to be a banger. I listened as an audiobook and was honestly surprised when I looked down and saw I was only at the midpoint. It has the punch of a climax already at that point, but we get so much more, and the true climax is even more satisfying. If you’re looking for something thrilling and satisfying with elements of horror, this book is for you. Good luck putting it down!


Title:: The Midnight Feast
Author:: Lucy Foley
Genre:: Thriller/Suspense
Publisher:: William Morrow
Length:: 354 pages
Audio Length:: 10h 20m
Audiobook Narrator:: Joe Eyre, Sarah Slimani, Roly Botha, Laurence Dobiesz, Tuppence Middleton
Audiobook Publisher:: Harper Audio
Published:: June 18th, 2024
The Litertarian Rating:: 5-Stars

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