Review Policy

Book Review Policy

You can trust book reviews on my site to be my true & honest feelings. I don’t post reviews on every book I read, only those about which I feel I have something productive to say or feel otherwise moved to do so. I will not post an outright mean review here, but I will not sugar coat and only mention positives either. Please keep that in mind if you decide to submit your own work for my review. The reviews on this site are intended to help readers find new books they will enjoy, as well as a personal diary for myself (of sorts), though I appreciate that they are an invaluable marketing tool for authors, too.

To submit a book for my review, please reach out via email to::

Please note: I am picky about which books I select to read, and you will not be guaranteed a review. See above.

ARC Reviews

If I received a book for free in exchange for a review, I will make a note of it in the review for full transparency.

Cross Posting

You may find my reviews cross-posted to goodreads, amazon, or other review sites.


Links to Amazon/Kindle/Audible are affiliate links. If you use them to make a purchase, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.