The Season of Sci-Fi/Fantasy

I have been hustling, y’all. Launching this blog has been important to me, and though it’s still unknown, I wanted to get plenty of content up to make it a worthwhile place to stick around a minute and explore. With 70+ reviews up now, I feel like I can say it is. Now, I’ve made plenty of commitments already for books that I need to read coming up over the next year, but I’ve also had an idea brewing at the back of my mind for a while.

Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books I want to read. The Green Bone Saga, The Dandelion Dynasty, the Red Rising Saga, the next installments of The Stormlight Archives & The Empyrean series, and more!
The physical books I want to read.
There are more on audio & ebook too ๐Ÿ™ˆ

I have a big fat stack of sci-fi and fantasy novels I reeeeally want to read. They’re not the kind of books you can read in a weekend (probably), but more importantly, they’re books I don’t want to just blow through. I want to take my time, annotate, immerse myself, and really experience them.

So I’m going to. This will be my season of sci-fi/fantasy! I’ve already started. Right now, I’m (slowly) making my way through A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness, which I had no idea I’d want to read until watching the television adaptation (I thought to myself, wow, this would make a great book, and what do you know?!). I also want to read The Green Bone Saga, The Dandelion Dynasty, the Red Rising Saga, the next installments of The Stormlight Archives & The Empyrean series’ (both of which have new books coming out this winter), along with a dozen more I’d love to get to in the next 100 days or so.

Tis the season, am I right? And it’ll help me chip away at my TBR Challenge, too!

I’m starting a fable book club too, as I work through my list. Feel free to join in if any of these are on your near-term list too!

Is there a better time to dive into big sweeping stories taking place in entirely fictional worlds? Not for me!

Tell me!

  • What are your favorite sci-fi/fantasy reads of all time?
  • Am I missing anything vital on my list?
  • What are you planning to read while the nights are long, and daylight precious?

Happy Reading, friends!