Finlay Donovan Rolls the Dice is the fourth book in a contemporary mystery series starring a romantic suspense writer (and young mother) who has gotten herself into quite a real-life kerfuffle involving crimes she never imagined being wrapped up in. It is a consecutive series, so please click over to my review of book one of the series, Finlay Donovan Is Killing It, to avoid any spoilers.
(Links to the other books in this series can be found at the bottom of this post)
So, let’s talk about book four…

After seeing Javier abducted by some goons at the garage, Finlay and Vero are off to solve Vero’s financial problems once and for all. The only thing is, they’ve brought the whole kit & caboodle with them. Fin’s mom, her ex-husband Steven, and the kids are all tagging along for the holiday in Atlantic City. Now they just have to find Javier, get Vero’s debtors off her back, and deal with the two dead bodies they stumbled into on their quest. That’s not all – wunderkind-hacker Cam calls for help when he gets himself in way too deep with Feliks, and to top it all off, the usual entourage of police characters show up unexpectedly soon after their arrival. Should be no problem pulling this off without anyone getting suspicious, riiight?
There’s a lot going on in this installment of the Finlay Donovan series! Maybe the most so far in one novel? Though it always seems that way, doesn’t it? There is a lot of overheard intel and one near miss after another as Fin and Vero struggle to solve their problems without being discovered themselves.
I am so impressed with Cosimano’s ability to constantly raise stakes for these characters while keeping everything relevant to so many aspects of what is going on, and still making it somehow plausible that everyone we care about stays out of trouble. It keeps you so far on the edge of your seat thinking again and again – it can’t keep on this way forever, can it!? But somehow it does, and it’s so yummy to read.
In the last book we got some clues into Vero’s relationship with Javier going far deeper than we might have previously expected, and it raises the stakes immediately in this book when he’s in danger and Vero is the one responsible. I’m hoping the best for a happy future between those two.
Finlay and Nick on the other hand…I fear they may be destined to keep a certain distance between them considering the obstacles standing between them. At the beginning of this book he was a superhero – assuring Finlay that she deserves a man who can handle all her imperfects and standing strong there with her to be that man. But Nick has been burned…repeatedly…in this series…and is all the more protective over his heart. I don’t know how the author could pull this off, but I’m hoping somehow Finlay is able to come clean to him before the series is over and he doesn’t have to choose between her and his career.
I’m dying to read the next book in the series, and lucky for me, I got my hands on an arc copy! The review is coming for book 5, Finlay Donovan Digs Her Own Grave, next week!
Title:: Finlay Donovan Rolls the Dice (Finlay Donovan #4)
Author:: Elle Cosimano
Genre:: Contemporary Mystery
Publisher:: Minotaur Books
Length:: 320 pages
Audio Length:: 9h 5m
Audiobook Narrator:: Angela Dawe
Audiobook Publisher:: Macmillan Audio
Published:: March 5th, 2024
The Litertarian Rating:: 4-Stars
Spice Rating:: 3
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