There is something magical about finding the right book at the right time. When something about the state of your life at the moment resonates deeply with the book you’ve chosen to read at that time. It might not be something that blows everyone away with its grandeur, but it touches on some deep-rooted truth in you.

Emma is so focused on her career as an underappreciated literary agent that she’s been skimming past many other aspects of her life: her kids, her friends, her dog, and her husband. It’s their anniversary, and for the first time ever, she’s forgotten to write him their traditional anniversary letter. It turns out to be a pretty typical day for her, rushing past everything and everyone, until a catastrophic event happens just before bed and changes everything. The next day she wakes up and lives it again. And again. Maybe she has the opportunity to change things – to avert the catastrophe. If only she can find the way.
As a thirty-something working mama who’s been married 10+ years, this book hit me hard. It’s about seeing what’s right in front of you. Not taking anything for granted. Slowing down. We get so caught up in the things we have to do (make money), that we neglect the things that are actually the most important to us. Why is it so easy to get our priorities mixed up?
I think the part that connected so deeply is how realistic it seemed. Yeah, obviously she hasn’t connected to her friends in awhile. Yeah, her kid’s problems are probably going to be old news by the weekend at the latest. Yeah, she has important shit to do at work she needs to concentrate on and that take priority. Yeah, her husband is always there to help pick up any slack.
I cried like a little baby. A sobbing, inconsolable baby.
I will read this book many times in the future, but I’m really not sure if it will have the same effect on me when I read it again. I hope it does. And I hope you read it too. This is one of my favorites of the year!
Title:: Maybe Next Time
Author:: Cesca Major
Genre:: Magical Realism
Publisher:: William Morrow
Length:: 384 pages
Audio Length:: 8h 38m
Audiobook Narrator:: Clare Corbett
Audiobook Publisher:: Harper Audio
Published:: March 7th, 2023
The Litertarian Rating:: 5-Stars
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