Book Review:: Yin Yang Love Song | Lauren Kung Jessen

Love. Why is it so many are in pursuit of a thing that can cause so much pain? Heartache is a real thing, with real, physical, symptoms. Is it ever worth it?

Yin Yang Love Song by Lauren Kung Jessen Book Cover

Chryssy has dedicated her life to healing with an eastern, Chinese medicine, approach. She and her auntie’s run a retreat center to help the lovesick heal their broken hearts. She has plenty of experience with them. Her whole family does, in fact, because the women of her family are cursed. Not a one of them has had a successful long-term relationship because one of their ancestors cursed them. She’s come to accept it. So when a celebrity cellist comes along asking to strike up a deal for a publicity-relationship, she doesn’t see any reason not to. When she starts catching feelings though…she’s convinced they’re doomed for heartache all over again.

This book has a lot of really cozy elements. Chryssy essentially makes people cups of custom tea for a living, after all. She listens well to people, hears between the lines what they may need, and prepares for them something to help. Reading about that process was very calming.

The structure was quite good as well: having Vin’s brother be in need of Chryssy’s family’s services was an organic in for the fake dating element. For me, that trope is over-tired, but for this book it didn’t make me roll my eyes, at least. There was enough meat in the plot to keep things interesting.

That being said, I was hoping for a little more steam in the romance. I liked both Vin and Chryssy, and while there were some sweet moments, I was left wanting a little bit more. I was missing the fireworks. The pop and sizzle of real, deep chemistry.

Luckily there was more to this book than just the romance. I really enjoyed learning about Chryssy’s business and her knowledge of Chinese medicine. Her auntie’s added some layered interest to the story. The B-Plot of the family curse didn’t do a lot for me outside of it being the vehicle for Chryssy to do some soul-searching and self-examination of her own beliefs brought on by the curse-myth upheld by her family. I found this novel to be just as much about personal growth as it was about finding love.

I was granted an early listening copy of the title from netgalley and the publisher, and I really enjoyed the audio narration. I recommend it if you’re able to get your hands on it.


Title:: Yin Yang Love Song
Author:: Lauren Kung Jessen
Genre:: Contemporary Romance
Publisher:: Forever
Length:: 352 pages
Audio Length:: 11h 3m
Audiobook Narrator:: Eunice Wong & Eric Yang
Audiobook Publisher:: Forever
Published:: January 28th, 2025
The Litertarian Rating:: 4-Stars

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