Book #1 | The Soulmate Equation

Summary:: GeneticAlly is a new dating service, pioneered by Dr. River Pena, that uses your DNA to find romantic matches. The science appears to be undeniable. The more genetic markers you have matching with someone, the more likely you are to find a successful relationship.
Jess’ best friend Fizz loves the idea. River frequents the same coffee bar Jess & Fizz do (them – to work, J on freelance statistics work, F on romance novels, Dr. Pena – for the lattes), and when he tells them about it, he gives them his card for them to stop by and check it out. Fizz is all in. She jumps in – vag first – into her pool of potential suitors. She and Jess discuss the ethics and ramifications ad nauseum (literally, I think they covered every question a reader could possibly have about the tech), and on a desperate, lonely night of single motherhood, Jess finally decides to submit her spit sample, too. What’s the harm? Her parameters are sky high. She only wants to see a match if their potential is essentially off the charts. Cut to, GeneticALLY calls her in for a meeting, and instead of a statistical analysis job offer, like she’s expecting, turns out she’s matched with the highest numbers the company has ever seen…with donor #1 – River Pena himself. With all of Jess’ responsibilities, is she willing to finally put her heart at risk? What about if the company offers her a big fat wad of cash to go on a few dates and see what happens, as a marketing ploy?
Book #2 | The True-Love Experiment

Summary:: Serial dater “Fizzy” Chen has been off her love game ever since she found out she was ‘the other woman’ in the one romance she thought might actually go the distance. That’s a problem, for a romantic novelist. The words aren’t just uninspired, they’re not coming at all. With her next novel due soon and fans chomping at the bit for whatever comes next, she’s feeling the pressure. When an offer comes out of left field for her to be the star on an upcoming reality dating show that uses GeneticALLY technology to find her matches, it might just be the thing to push her out of her funk. And when she meets the producer (who is really a documentarian forced to make something popular work in order to get the funding he needs for his ‘real’ job), a hunky single dad, they work together to design a show that will be a smash, until it becomes clear she may not need to meet any of the contestants to get her mojo back after all. Except she has to. For weeks. And then go on a super romantic getaway with the winner. All with the man she really wants looking on from behind the camera.
Let’s just get this out of the way – both of these books are charming, wonderful reads. I’m learning Christina Lauren (a pseudonym for a best-friend writing duo) can be relied upon for that. I’m not even sure I could pick a favorite, under duress. Luckily, I don’t have to.
The premise is intriguing – what if all you needed to do was swab your cheek to sift the wheat from the chaff in your dating prospects? Was it fair? Did it mean you might be closing yourself off to real potential love because some computer said you weren’t compatible enough? Did a high match number make you more likely to fall in love, or stick with it longer, just because you both know there’s a big chance it’ll be worth it in the end? Did the results dictate the result just by knowing what they are? Do the numbers even mean anything at all? All of these questions and more are discussed in detail, lending itself to some deep philosophical ponderings about what love is, how we find it, and what makes it stick. I loved the depth this offered in the background of both stories. Honestly? Brilliant.
Jess and River’s romance is fraught with uncertainty. Jess is a cautious gal – she has to be, as someone shouldered with so much responsibility – her young daughter & her aging parents. She’s also a statistician. She’s not one to take risks. She’s done the math. There is some true romance in this book – River really steps up, once he accepts that the results are valid, and gives this connection the chance he hasn’t given love since he was burned in college. There’s a lot of pomp and circumstance, instigated by the company, but ultimately, their connection proves true, and despite the hiccups and whatever the test results may be, love is always a risk. It’s fake dating without it being fake. It’s a chance, just like love in real life.
On the other hand, Fizzy and Connor share a forbidden spark they both know they shouldn’t pursue. The timing is way off. Both of them need this show to be a hit, or their careers could be in ruins. But the sizzle between them refuses to die out. Maybe they just need to get it out of their systems – then they’ll be able to move forward with clear heads and do what they need to do…right?
I’m so impressed with Christina Lauren’s talent for crafting compelling love stories. They are romantic as hell with secondary plotlines playing into the bigger story so naturally while supporting the themes and complicating the stakes like the stories couldn’t be told any other way. One, or both of these ladies knows a lot about story structure, and it’s wielded like a weapon. Just try putting one of these down. I dare you.
Title:: The Soulmate Equation (DNA Duo #1)
Author:: Christina Lauren
Genre:: Contemporary Romance
Publisher:: Gallery Books
Length:: 360 pages
Audio Length:: 10h 26m
Audiobook Narrator:: Patti Murin
Audiobook Publisher:: Simon & Schuster Audio
Published:: February 8th, 2022
The Litertarian Rating:: 5-Stars
Title:: The True Love Experiment (DNA Duo #2)
Author:: Christina Lauren
Genre:: Contemporary Romance
Publisher:: Gallery Books
Length:: 409 pages
Audio Length:: 10h 52m
Audiobook Narrator:: Jonathan Cole & Cindy Kay
Audiobook Publisher:: Simon & Schuster Audio
Published:: May 16th, 2023
The Litertarian Rating:: 5-Stars
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