A book for all the fangirls out there who ever fanaticized about meeting their girlhood pop star crushes, catching their eye, and falling in head-over-heels MFEO love with them. This one’s for you.

It’s just another workday for Laney at her father’s veterinary practice, when she and the hunky dog-rescue guy find themselves in a flirty back-and-forth neither one of them expected. When he gets locked out of his car with a full litter of puppies, Laney gives him a ride and they hit it off. Things are going well when she finds out Adam Deacon Driscoll is actually Deke Driscoll, the mega-boyband-popstar she was infatuated with in high school. He’s been running away from fame since the band broke up when he was 18, but there’s a charity concert coming up, and the guys want to do a reunion gig. Everything in Adam’s body is telling him not to do it, except his heart, which still has a soft spot for music.
Okay, it’s a little cheesy with a title like Once Upon a Boyband, but this book is actually so good! I really liked the two lead characters – Adam/Deke is very well developed, and Laney is endearing, but really, she’s kind of a stand-in for…every girl. You can put yourself in her shoes and live vicariously in the romance – and ooo, what a romance it is.
I’m a sucker for soulmate level attraction. When the connection happens, there’s just no going backwards. I’m not talking insta-love, I’m talking meaningful, magnetic, electric energy between two people that is mutual and all consuming. This book has it. The side characters, too, had spirit, and I loved that about them.
It was a really fun story with so many moments of sweet tenderness and care. The conflicts are very realistic and the solutions don’t come easy. It’s cute, it’s nostalgic, it’s relatable…it’s everything you want in a sweet escape.
Thank you to Jenny Proctor and netgalley for choosing me as an arc reader for this title. It was a pleasure to read!
Title:: Once Upon A Boyband
Author:: Jenny Proctor
Genre:: Romance
Publisher:: Jenny Proctor Creative
Length:: 358 pages
Published:: September 1st, 2024
The Litertarian Rating:: 4-Stars
Spice Rating:: 1 (kisses and snuggles)
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