Let’s get this out of the way up front. This book was rated entirely on *vibes*. Is it perfect? No (and it has more faults than most of my five star reads). But should you read it? Absolutely, yes.

Emily is having a quarter life crisis. She’s finished college in a degree she regrets, and is working in a small town on Prince Edward Island because the rent is cheap and she found a job in an auto shop that pays her just enough to make some progress on those pesky student loans. But she’s not passionate about anything. She wants to find passion. She wants to find her dream job.
The thing is, she’s entirely insufferable. Her attitude is perpetually under-satisfied, always looking for the greener grass, no matter what is in front of her. She sees her college friend group thriving on their individual paths, but she’s floundering and has no direction, and she doesn’t even like those friends that much anymore.
BUT — starting from a place of discontentedness leaves lots of room for growth, and the more room for growth, the more powerful an impact for the ending. Even though some of the threads of this story got kind of muddled from the 50-75% point (ish), the resolution made up for every other complaint I was holding onto as I read. The opening was also awesome, you just have to have a little faith that things will pay off by the time all is said and done.
It may also help that John is essentially my husband. Car guy, mechanic, racer, (yes those are all different), not a big talker, hunky, sweet when it counts, confident, steadfast, funny. I loved their relationship, but it’s a little hard to see his side of it with how misaligned they appear to be.
The most sand-chewing part for me is that she’s creating this life she actually really really loves in PEI, with or without John, but she’s still just got it lodged in her head that she needs something better, that there’s always something better. It may be the plight of Gen Z, at least a little bit. The idealistic social media generation. Y’all. Take a big breath and say it with me *gratitude*.
Like I said, in the end this book was absolutely worth it, with valuable themes I think many will embrace or relate to. I was sure this was going to be three stars, but then it just blew me away in the end. I cried several well-earned tears. Sleeper hit! Surprise gem! Diamond in the rough! Five stars from me!
This was a netgalley arc read. I was provided a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own.
Title:: A Five Letter Word for Love
Author:: Amy James
Genre:: Romance
Publisher:: Avon
Length:: 368 pages
Audio Length:: 9h 33m
Audiobook Narrator:: Kate Koster
Audiobook Publisher:: Harper Audio
Published:: December 3rd, 2024
The Litertarian Rating:: 5-Stars
Spice Rating:: 1
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